It is too much pain for anyone to be separated from their loved ones. But we often have to face this experience. When the pain of breaking up a love relationship is unbearable, each person reacts to it in different ways. In such situations, some people behave in a very impulsive manner. That is why even things like murders and suicides happen due to the breakdown of love relationships. However, when a love relationship breaks down, the first thing to do is to identify the reasons that affect it. There are two types of reasons for this. The first type of reason is external causes, and the other one is internal causes. External reasons can be various things like poverty, social status, caste, etc.
Internal reasons
Internal reasons are the reason between the two who are in a relationship. The love relationship can break down because one of the two gets tired of the other for any reason. Let us now look at some of the internal reasons for this. , firstly these reasons should be identified To reduce bereavement. One or both of the two not being honest with each other starts a love relationship without sincere feelings and does not continue. This happens more often to men than to women. Except for a young woman who dates a young man for temporary pleasure or some other gain, usually, any young woman builds a romantic relationship to continue it. Generally, most men are tempted to leave the girl after dating for a while if they feel that she is not suitable. But a young woman is not motivated to leave her boyfriend no matter how many faults he has because, according to our social attitudes and the environment they grew up in, it is considered a bad thing and a shame.
Personality traits and psychological problems
Some young women have personality traits that make them quarrel over small things and often influence their boyfriends. Young men can quickly get tired of such girls. Also, problems arise between the two when there is a state of anxiety, such as tension and stress. Especially for those with Gratis personality traits, everything needs to be very neat and orderly. When that doesn’t happen, he always fights with the other. When a young woman has such traits, the young man can get bored of her. The reason is that her orderliness and orderliness, which went to that extreme, is a psychological torment for him. And if she doesn’t have the boyfriend she wants, she will miss him too. Then she can leave him. But such a young woman later regrets what she did. In this way, various reasons affect the breakdown of a love relationship, and it is very important to identify those reasons. If those reasons are identified correctly, the pain caused by the breakup of the love relationship can be reduced. Now let’s look at other ways to reduce the pain of bereavement.
Recognizing bereavement
Losing a loved one is an unfortunate thing for anyone. If the loved one dies for some reason, the pain will last for a long time and eventually subside. But it is difficult to get rid of that sadness when the boyfriend/girlfriend you loved forgets you. One of the characteristics of bereavement is the frequent reminiscing of the initial period. They don’t feel like doing any other work. Their mind is very indifferent, and they begin to feel great loneliness. This sorrow that they feel must be experienced in this early period. But when about three months pass, this sadness gradually disappears. It is important to understand that if this time is spent somehow, this sorrow will decrease. And it is very important to reduce the pain by telling a close person about it without keeping the pain in the heart. Otherwise, you can reduce your sadness by writing down what you feel in your heart.
Understanding the nature of our mind
It is human nature to think about what has been lost rather than what has been gained. The things we have lost, the defeats we have received, and the places where we went wrong are very strongly marked in our minds. Accordingly, the person who has lost himself is more likely to reminisce. Worrying about lost things is usually a mental habit of people. Knowing that comparing the things that have not been received and the good things that have been received can reduce this anxiety.
Time is very good medicine for solving many problems to reduce pain. Also, avoiding seeing the lost person as much as possible and avoiding repeating text messages and gifts sent by them should be done until the pain subsides. This way, you should avoid all places where old memories are recalled. Bereavement is a wound in the heart. Getting rid of the pain of bereavement is difficult as long as you do not distance yourself from the things that cause the hurt and the person who caused the injury.
Integrating into the external environment
Morning sunlight is good medicine to reduce anxiety, laziness, and lethargy. Therefore, all these things like connecting with the natural environment, exercising, or engaging in past hobbies can help to reduce bereavement. Losing someone you love with all your heart is a great sadness. But don’t forget that after some time, this sadness will decrease little by little. Always remember that what we lost was not the best person in the world.